Editing your profile

Profiles in the Proto AICX platform are equivalent to employee biographies in a contact centre.

General info

To edit your profile on Proto's AICX platform, follow these steps:

  1. Click the profile icon located in the top right corner of the screen.
  2. Select Profile from the dropdown menu.

  1. In the GENERAL tab, you can edit the following information:
    • Avatar
    • Name
    • Timezone (platform)
    • Language (platform)
    • Password
    • Two-factor authentication (2FA)



The Timezone setting controls the display of time & date filtering across the AICX platform. Make sure it is set to your local time to avoid confusion.

  1. To enable two-factor authentication, click the toggle beside Enable 2FA.
  2. A popup will appear. Click ENABLE on the popup, and wait for the verification code to be sent via email. Enter the verification code to enable 2FA.



Ensure the email address you used to sign up for the AICX platform is valid since the 2FA verification code will be sent to this email address every time you log in.

You may also link your Google or Microsoft account to your profile and use these credentials for login.


An alias is a convenient feature on the AICX platform that allows users to adopt an alternative name for their communication. This feature comes in handy for agents as they can chat with customers using an alias instead of their private account name.

To create an alias, simply navigate to the ALIASES tab and click on CREATE ALIAS.

A popup window will appear, prompting you to upload your avatar and enter your desired display name. Once done, click on CREATE to create your new alias.

You can also choose to set the new alias as the default identity for your profile by ticking the checkbox for Set as default.


If you need to make changes to an existing alias, simply hover over it and click on the pencil icon to edit or the trash icon to delete it.


Personal access token

A personal access token is a security mechanism that enables users to utilize Proto's RESTful APIs in external web applications. When sending a request to the AICX platform, Proto's APIs mandate a X-SINITIC-TOKEN header field that contains the user's access token.

To generate a personal access token, navigate to the API tab and click on the ISSUE NEW TOKEN button.


Best practice

When you generate a new personal access token, the previously issued token becomes invalid. To continue using Proto's APIs, you need to update all integrations with the new access token. It is essential to note that if your AICX deployment has multiple integrations, a software developer should handle this task to ensure that all integrations are updated appropriately.

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