Creating chatbots

Once you have established your company and profile on Proto's AICX platform, you can start creating your first chatbot.

To do so, navigate to the Build module and click on CREATE BOT. This action will prompt a popup window to appear, giving you two options: New bot or Import bot.


Best Practice

If you wish to replicate an existing chatbot, you can utilize the Import bot feature.

Create new bot

To create a new chatbot, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Create bot in the Build module.
  2. A popup will appear where you can upload your chatbot avatar, enter your chatbot name, and select a master language.

  1. Click on CREATE, and you will be directed to the chatbot editor.

Import existing bot

In case you want to duplicate an existing chatbot, you need to first download the zip file from a chatbot that you have previously deployed in your company. To import an existing bot, follow these steps:

  1. Click on Import bot in the Build module.
  2. A popup will appear where you can upload your chatbot avatar, enter your chatbot name, and upload the chatbot zip file that you have previously downloaded.
  3. Click on CREATE, and you will be directed to the chatbot editor.

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